Category: main
Setita, time to glow
Some mushrooms have a secret superpower, they can glow in the dark if they really want to. They use this trick to just show off their personality. Some mushrooms are shy and only glow when no one is looking, while others are bold and flashy and glow all the time. You never know what kind…
The Pooley Gang
Meet the Pooley Gang, the coolest group of polygons and geometric shapes in this part of the city.They move to every corner of the world at top speed,spreading their good mood to keep the cool-o-meter always high!
Run Kabesssita Run for Pictoplasma
After enjoying a full bag of 100% pure sugar, running is the best way to spend all the power and energy accumulated
Goblin Sword Master
Goblin Sword Master, always ready for action. The craziest warrior of the horde. If you encounter him in battle… run!
Stay Home, Stay Positive
My contribution to #stayhomestaypositive for The Positive Building by during the pandemic lockdown. “When reality overcomes fiction and it keeps us apart, it forces us to create universes in parallel balconies where it’s sunny, we count the clouds and we laugh out loud”
Walking Totem for Pictoplasma
Unity makes strength. Our friends Shoorla, Querpesito and Paatahpie love walking together Shoorla is the mastermind of the group, responsible for making decisions about where the group will go or what actions they will take. Querpesito is responsible for brute force within the group. He possesses outstanding physical abilities and is in charge of tasks…